30th Aug (Thu) 9:40 - 10:20
Plenary Talk 2
Chairperson: Firouzeh Javadi
Legume diversity assessment as an example of plant diversity assessment in SE Asia
Tetsukazu Yahara* (Kyushu Unversity)
Plant diversity of tropical forests in SE Asia remains largely underscored due to largely incomplete efforts of field collections and taxonomic studies. To fill this gap, we visited 42 locations of 9 countries where we placed 152 plots of 100m x 5 m and collected all the vascular plant species within each plot. Our specimens amounted to 40,000. While most of those specimens are sterile, classic DNA barcodes and genome-wide SNPs determined by the next generation sequencer are helpful enough to identify those specimens including many new species. Here, I report our findings from this plant diversity assessment in SE Asia with special reference to patterns of legume diversity.